Selected Lecture: Battle
Hybrid Meeting
Do we need a new classification for lesions of the TFCC
Date: 29 June 2022
Time: 19:00
Location: LMU Klinikum Innenstadt
Großer Hörsaal der Medizinischen Klinik
Ziemssenstr. 1, 80336 München
Speakers: Prof. Rainer Schmitt, LMU München
Dr. Andrea Atzei, Treviso, Italien
This course is organized by LMU Klinikum München in cooperation with the DAH.
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
dear esteemed colleagues,
In our 18th selected lecture we will present a „Battle“ between Prof. Rainer Schmitt from LMU Munich, Germany and Dr. Andrea Atzei from Treviso, Italy focusing on TFCC lesions. The debate in question being “is a new classification of TFCC lesions needed?”
Andrea Atzei is a recurring guest who presented his „iceberg concept“ for TFCC lesions at our 16th selected lecture in 2018. His classification is mainly based on arthroscopic findings through the surgeon. Nowadays, this so called “Atzei classification” for TFCC lesions, is widely used and has become a “gold standard” globally.
Rainer Schmitt from the department of radiology at the LMU hospital is now challenging Andrea Atzei with his current “CUP-Classification”. This classification includes both anatomical and radiological findings. Rainer Schmitt is a globally reknown radiologist and opinion leader regarding diagnostics in hand- and wrist surgery and a pioneer in his field of expertise in Germany. Many recognize his book “Bildgebende Diagnostik der Hand,” where the fourth edition is under publication.
In this new format of a battle, the two classifications will be portrayed in detail by the authors themselves whilst contrasting the advantages and disadvantages. I have been given the honor to moderate this session in which we intend to present the meeting in a hybrid fashion where other interested handsurgeons around the globe can also discuss and share their insight with us virtually.
The participation is free of charge, registration is necessary (virtual and in person). I am looking forward to this exciting battle on the pioneering forefront of handsurgery!
Best from Munich,
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Riccardo Giunta
For further information please contact:
Sekretariat: Ms Leutner
Ziemssenstraße 5, 80336 München
Tel. +49 (0)89 4400-32671
Fax +49 (0)89 4400-31792
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